Method 1: Using Custom redirect:-
Step 1: Go to blogger dashboard >> Pages >> New Page
Add the title as home and put anything inside body that you want to show and click on Publish
Step:2 : Go To Settings >> Search Preferences and click on Edit of Custom Redirects under Errors and redirections
Insert slash ("/") in From textbox and "/p/home.html" in To textbox and Check both check boxes as shown in the image.
Click Button Save Changes . You are done with creating a static home page
Method 2: Using Add a gadget link in Blogger layout:-
Step 1: Go to Dashboard >> Theme >> Edit Html and click anywhere inside the code area and search title='Blog Posts' as shown in below image so that you can paste the above code same as highlighted below.
Click button Save Theme
Step 2: Now go Layout >> and navigate the layout section so that you can see Add a gadget option link as shown below
Now click + sign in the HTML/JavaScript widget.
Now add anything inside the text box that you want to show in home page.
You are done with static home page.
- Home
- _About
- _Contact
- _jQuery Library
- _Moment Library
- _Bootstrap Library, CSS, Font
- Nuget
- Tools
- _Get Date Array
- _JSON To HTML Table
- _HTML Entity Encoder & Decoder
- _ObjectId to Timestamp
- _Keyboard Key Values
- _Yootube Video Thumbnail
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Asp.Net C#
- MongoDB
- Blogger
- Tech